At our AGM last Monday we handed out awards for the Musical Directors award and the Bands Person of the year as voted for by the members.
The results were as follows:
Butcher Trophy – Musical Director’s Award
This award was presented by our MD – Mark Ager, to our 1st Horn player, Sarah Munn. Sarah stepped up to play Solo Horn at the Oxford Contest and played several Solo’s as part of this. In addition – as we all know this has been an incredibly difficult time for Sarah and she has continued to perform amazingly!! Well done Sarah !!

Charles Bayford Trophy (Bands Person of the Year)
This award is voted for by the bands members. There were many nominations including: Sarah Munn, Jim Gelder, Lisa Huttlestone, Stuart Black, Jim Munn & Christine Solway, but with a huge majority of the vote, this award was presented posthumously to Steve Munn.
Sadly Steve passed away after a courageous battle with cancer just before Christmas, but he continued playing with us right up to November including performing with us at the Oxford Contest. Always a larger than life member of the Band, this award is part of many tributes to Steve who continues to be missed by us all. The award was presented by band Chairperson – Lisa Huttlestone to Sarah and Jim on behalf of Steve.